----------------------------------------------------------------------- BIOINFORMATICS COLLOQUIUM School of Computational Sciences George Mason University ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shifting the Balance between Physical Experimentation and Computation Richard J. Feldmann Global Determinants, Inc. rjfeldma@GlobalDeterminants.com Tuesday, September 9, 2003 4:30 pm Room 110H, Building PW1, Prince William Campus Something rather amazing happened in May at the first day of the NIH symposium honoring the 50th Anniversary of the publication in Nature of the Watson and Crick paper and the completion of the sequencing of the human genome. The speakers who were chock-ablock about their work on the human genome, one after another argued that computation would now replace physical experimentation as the driving force in biological science. There was one speaker who talked about his work to identify the genes in the human genome and to throw out the pseudo-genes. A couple of weeks later Hirotsune et al. published a paper showing that the deletion of a pseudo-gene affected the expression of its cognate gene P so now pseudo-genes clearly have function. Eventually one might expect to show function for some parts of the non-genic 97% of the human genome. Fours years ago while thinking about the design of zinc-finger DNA Binding Proteins (DBPs), I stumbled on the existence of tetrads of DNA sequences that act to control gene expression. I tested the first hypothesis in yeast and found that there were reasonable numbers of these tetradic relationships that I now call Connectrons. I showed that some genes have two signals in their 3UUTR that when expressed as RNA move about in the whole cell of prokaryotes and Archea and the nucleus of eukaryotes. These RNA signals bind to two equivalent DNA double-stranded sequences to form generalized, triple-stranded Hoogsteen helices. Since the RNA signals are covalently linked, the two DNA sites are brought together in space. This allows the loop of up to 100kb to be structured in six-fold-symmetric 30-nm chromatin particles. The genes that are in the chromatin-structured loop are not available for promotion and expression. Of course, the connectrons have life-times that are proportional to the length of the interaction between the RNA and the DNA, so after a while a connectron will open up and the genes in the loop will be available once again for promotion and expresssion. I have gone on to show that all the genomes on the NCBI site have connectrons. I will tell you all about connectrons and give you a CD to look at later. I have just finished detrmining the connectron structure of the human genome and I am using my cluster of PCs to do the mouse genome now. My computation of connectron structure is what other people call data-minimg. I have tried to form collaborations that would lead to physical proof of the existence of connectrons but so-far these experiments have failed. So, where does the balance between computation and physical experimentation stand now? I would argue that by providing a whole-genome approach to gene expression regulation, I have shifted the balance in favor of computation. It's just that nobody else seems to believe me. You can decide for yourself. The most conservative will cling to "one-gene / one-effect" while the adventuresome will jump to thinking about connectrons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Refreshments are served at 3:30 pm. Find the schedule and directions at http://www.binf.gmu.edu/colloq.html