----------------------------------------------------------------------- BIOINFORMATICS COLLOQUIUM School of Computational Sciences George Mason University ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Very High Speed, High Volume Sequence Matching Jason Kinser GMU Tuesday, February 3, 2004 4:30 pm Verizon Auditorium, Prince William Campus Using technologies developed in the defense industry sequence information is converted to a numeric form and condensed to perform high-speed sequence matching. The goal is to compress information of 4 million sequences into 250MB and be able to search that entire database in less than 30 seconds on a standard PC. Preliminary work with sequences encoded via complex notation have reached the halfway mark of this goal. Sequence encoding using four-dimensional phasors show promise to completely reach the stated goal. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Refreshments are served at 4:00 pm. Find the schedule and directions at http://www.binf.gmu.edu/colloq.html