Probability Density Methods for Modeling Local Control of Calcium- Induced Calcium Release in Cardiac Myocytes

Considerable insight into intracellular Ca responses has been obtained through the development of whole cell models that are based on molecular mechanisms, e.g., the kinetics of intracellular Ca channels and the feedback of Ca upon these channels. However, a limitation of most deterministic whole cell models to date is the assumption that channels are globally coupled by a single [Ca], when in fact channels experience localized "domain'' Ca concentrations. More realistic stochastic Monte Carlo simulations are capable of representing individual domain Ca concentrations but suffer from increased computational demand. In this talk I will discuss a novel probability approach to modeling Ca-induced Ca release (CICR) in cardiac myocytes. This approach utilizes advection-reaction equations relating the time- dependent probability density of subsarcolemmal subspace and junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum [Ca] conditioned on "Ca release unit'' state. When these equations are coupled to ordinary differential equations for the bulk myoplasmic and sarcoplasmic reticulum [Ca], a realistic but minimal whole cell model is produced. Modeling Ca release unit activity using this probability density approach avoids the computationally demanding task of resolving spatial aspects of global Ca signaling, while accurately representing heterogeneous local Ca signals.