Syllabus for Math 6390

MATH-6390 - Mathematical Methods in Medicine and Biology

Course Time : Tuesday and Thursday 7-8:15 PM
Course Location : GR 2.539
Instructor : Saleet Jafri, 972-883-4436,
Office Hours : Tuesday 5-7PM or by appointment in EC 3.908
Course Web Page :
Prerequisites: Calculus I&II. Some familiarity with ordinary differential equations and general introductory biology is recommended but not required. Knowledge of a computer programming language is also helpful.
Textbook: Mathematical Physiology by James Keener and James Sneyd. 1999. Springer-Verlag.

Course Description : Introduction to the use of mathematical techniques in solving biologically important problems. Some examples of topics that will be covered are: cellular ionic homeostasis, computational molecular biology/chemistry, electrical propagation in nerve cells, ion channel function, cellular signaling mechanisms, and kidney function. Descriptions of the biological problems under consideration will be presented.

Grading Policy: The course grade will be determined as follows:

Homework - 60%
Take Home Final - 40%

Grade Scale:

90-100 A
80-89.9 B
70-79.9 C
0-69.9 F

Homework assignments will be assigned several times during the semester. They will be due two weeks after they are assigned. Late homeworks will not be accepted.

All students are expected to take the final exam at the announced time. If there is a conflict and you cannot make the exam, let me know beforehand so we can agree upon a procedure to make up the exam. In order for you not to get a zero on the exam we must have agreed upon a make up procedure..

Academic Honesty Policy : Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. This includes cheating, plagiarism, and falsification of academic records. That being said, you can help each other out on the homework (this does not mean that you can copy each other's homework).

Calculators: You may use calculators in this class. However, they should not be necessary.

Important Dates: Thursday, April 27 - Final Exam handed out
Thursday, May 4, 6:30 pm - Final Exam Due

Sage Advice: If you want to do well in course: 1) Do all the homework. 2) Ask questions in class and office hours. 3) If you are having difficulty doing the homework, be sure to see the instructor for additional help.

Saleet Jafri
Wed Jan 12 09:54:01 CST 2000